People who have lived hand in hand in marriage for half a century are worthy of all respect. Leaving them on the day of the golden wedding anniversary cannot be ignored. Therefore, the 50th anniversary of the wedding should be celebrated with no less scope than the wedding itself.

50 years together
A golden wedding is a grand event. There are not so many people who have lived to this old age together. Therefore, all people involved in this event should prepare gifts for the newlyweds."
This event is a grandiose date not only for the heroes of the occasion themselves, but also for their children and grandchildren, and other relatives and friends will be happy to congratulate the “young” on the anniversary of their life together. So for this date, all guests should prepare in advance. This is especially true for gifts to heroes of the day, because a random thing as a present for such a date will not work.
Traditional gifts
Gold items are traditionally presented on a golden wedding anniversary. The sacred duty of the children of the heroes of the day on this day is to give the parent new wedding rings. Traditionally, the first-born should buy the “newlyweds” a scarf, which is embroidered with gold threads. As a last resort, if an older child does not have enough money for such a chic gift, he can buy a pair of handkerchiefs with shiny embroidery.
The rest of the children, if any, can give their parents for the golden wedding anniversary, in addition to wedding rings (their children must buy together), any souvenirs and jewelry made of gold. A symbolic gift will be gold pendants with the faces of the patron saints of the "young" or icons.
As a rule, older people are rather indifferent to jewelry. Therefore, it is best to give souvenirs or gold coins. It is not at all necessary to give things made entirely of this metal; gilded items will be wonderful gifts.
So, you can order or buy a gilded photo frame. During the celebration, take a picture of your parents and insert it in this frame. In you can restore the wedding photo of the parents and present them in a gilded frame as a gift for the anniversary date of the wedding. By the way, you can order a family portrait of the parents from the artist. You only need to order from a master who draws from a photo.
Gifts from the past
Elderly people are very sentimental. Therefore, a gift made with their own hands will be much more expensive for them than the most expensive souvenir bought in a store. DIY your family tree. If you yourself do not know anything about your ancestors, ask your parents carefully about it.
If nothing is known about the ancestors at all or too little is known, then make a photo album in which photos of the most significant events in the life of the “newlyweds” will be arranged in chronological order. And you can supplement these photos with poems of your own composition or stories about what is shown in the photographs.
Well, the most important gift from children for a golden wedding anniversary will simply be the attention and care shown on this significant date.