Knowledge Day should be a happy holiday for a child, a long-awaited event. The task of parents is to try to make the beginning of the school year as pleasant as possible so that the positive attitude remains for a long time. You should congratulate the child on September 1 and hold a small family event for him, moreover, the holiday should be organized not only for kids, but also for middle and high school students.

Prepare a solemn and at the same time cheerful congratulations. To create a festive atmosphere, you can decorate the house with flowers, balloons, and add a poster "From September 1". Find good congratulatory verses or prepare a short speech. It should not contain banal admonitions and, moreover, reproaches that the child did not behave well enough or did not study well before. School is not only diaries and grades, but also new knowledge, good teachers, friends, interesting events, etc. Focus on these points.
If your child already knows how to read, you can make a small wall newspaper for him with congratulatory verses and beautiful photographs. He will be happy to look at the photos, especially if you add funny comments to them. The younger your student is, the more pictures there should be and the less text. If the child is only going to the first grade and is not yet able to read quickly enough, solemnly present him with the "first grader medal", while pronouncing a short congratulatory text.
Remember that September 1 is primarily a holiday for a student. Try to make the day enjoyable for your child. Bake a cake and invite the student's friends whom he wishes to see. If relatives are present at the holiday, ask each of them to prepare a small congratulation in verse or prose. If your child has long dreamed of visiting a zoo, circus, etc., take him there on Knowledge Day. Let the beginning of the school year be remembered as a wonderful event connected only with pleasant impressions.
Congratulating the student on September 1, do not forget about gifts. The kid can be pleased with an original pencil case, a set of markers or a beautiful notebook. If it is very difficult for your child to get up in the morning, present him with a funny baby alarm clock with a funny melody. A schoolchild who loves looking at pictures can be presented with an album with a set of stickers. Such albums contain interesting and at the same time useful information on various topics. Finding the necessary pictures and pasting them, as well as reading comments, children learn a lot.