September 12 is an inconspicuous day for the calendar, there is no state or church holiday. However, it is on this day that programmers receive congratulations, who have been celebrating their professional holiday on September 12 for several years.

Encrypted progress
September 12 is the officially approved date on which workers of such a difficult intellectual profession as programmers gather to celebrate their specialty day.
Every 258 days of the year, which is a kind of symbol of the eight-bit byte, programmers around the world honor the best, gather in a circle of colleagues, celebrating achievements and victories. This date belongs to the category of the so-called encrypted, with a logical explanation.
It is interesting that this date is also the day of people with a creative profession bringing culture to the masses. Artists, portrait painters, landscape painters, people who are a symbol of universal human values can rightfully consider September 12 as their professional holiday.
Seniors day
In Canada, this September day is dedicated to grandparents; it is on September 12th that a tribute of respect and love is paid to the venerable old age. This holiday was invented by an ordinary housewife, picked up and spread throughout the American continent.
It is on this day that it is customary to pay special attention to old people, look at old photo albums with them, give them memories, listen to funny stories from the past, and hold championships in their favorite board games. On the central streets of cities on September 12, it is allowed to set up campgrounds with a full range of amenities. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren prepare special gifts for their beloved relatives in the form of books, bouquets and postcards.
On September 12, Poland celebrates the day of the victory of Jan Sobieski III over the army of the Turkish vizier Kara Mustafa Pasha, on the same day, but several centuries later, John F. Kennedy married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier.
Pizza day
But in Naples, on this date, a funny holiday periodically falls under the symbolic name Pizza Day, this ancient and most beautiful city in the world is considered the ancestor of this dish. Thousands of tourists, wishing to feel the intoxicating smells of spices, walking the streets of the city, strive to get to Naples on this very day to enjoy the triumph of taste, which lasts almost eleven days in a row.
September 12 is a significant day for cosmonautics of the 20th century: in 1959 the Vostok-L rocket was launched from Baikonur, and the Endeavor shuttle was launched from Cape Canaveral in 1992.
It should be noted that such an edible dish as pizza, the prototype of which has spread all over the countries of the ancient and modern world, got its modern appearance in Naples, and can rightfully be considered a traditional Italian dish.