You can play anyone - your relatives, friends, classmates, colleagues, just acquaintances. And on April Fool's Day - April 1, and on other days. You just have to try to make the rally funny and good-natured. The person who has been chosen as a victim should not be allowed to become severely frightened or feel offended.

Step 1
"Where is Vasya?" This prank is suitable during a feast when people are a little relaxed. Then one of the participants should, without attracting attention to himself, go to another room or kitchen, and start calling the victim with an interval of two to three minutes: “-Hello, is this Vasya? If not Vasya, is this his phone? Where is Vasya? And when will he come? " Etc. In the end, when the victim of the prank is already ready to boil with irritation, you should return and turn to him with a smile: “Hello, this is Vasya! Has anyone been looking for me? " Of course, a calm, good-natured person with a developed sense of humor should be selected for the role of the victim.
Step 2
"I will guess your thoughts!" The victim of the drawing is asked to think of any three consecutive numbers from 1 to 9, write them down on paper, then mentally add up and report the amount. After that, the person "guessing thoughts", for a few seconds intensely peers into his eyes, and in a solemn voice names those numbers that were really thought out. Those present in a loud chorus demand to show them the paper with the recorded numbers and applaud the "telepath", admiring his abilities. Here you should pick up a victim from among those who are not very good at mathematics. The fact is that, mentally dividing the sum named to him by three, the "telepath" will receive the average number of those hidden. It remains only to name it, as well as the previous and the next.
Step 3
"You haven't lost anything?" A "wizard" approaches the victim, who runs his hands over his body several times, while pronouncing mysterious spells. Then he offers to check if some thing is missing from the person. He conscientiously checks all his pockets, after which he shakes his head: nothing is missing. Then the "magician" with a triumphant laugh climbs into his bosom and takes out his underpants.
Step 4
When making up a joke, think about how the person to whom it is addressed will react to it. In no case do not belittle a person, do not expose him to ridicule.