As The Day Of The Financier In Russia Is Celebrated & Nbsp

As The Day Of The Financier In Russia Is Celebrated & Nbsp
As The Day Of The Financier In Russia Is Celebrated & Nbsp

Every year on September 8, Russia celebrates the Day of the Financier. This holiday received official status in August 2011. The corresponding decree was signed by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

As the Day of the Financier is celebrated in Russia
As the Day of the Financier is celebrated in Russia

Back in 1802, on this very day, Emperor Alexander I signed the Manifesto on the founding of the Ministry of Finance in Russia, which turns 200 this year. Since then, people began to celebrate this date. This department has always played and will play a major role in the country's financial policy. In addition, it can influence the formation of the economy both at the national and international levels.

Employees in this area are considered to be among the most highly educated professionals. After all, they have the entire financial system of the country in their hands. They are always faced with many difficult tasks. The importance of this profession both for Russia and other countries is quite obvious. No wonder they say that a smartly organized financial policy is the key to the prosperity and well-being of the entire state. Financial specialties have always been and will be appreciated, therefore, universities in all regions of Russia graduate young financial specialists every year. Competition for this faculty is always high.

The day of the financier, like any other professional holiday, is celebrated cheerfully and widely. Bank workers, investors, stock traders (traders) and many other specialists are eagerly awaiting him. They accept congratulations from their colleagues and loved ones. Many organizations hold corporate evenings where you can see your colleagues in a different role, which is always interesting and fun. Various concerts, humorous evenings are held, where you can take part in funny contests. The most distinguished employees are awarded certificates of honor, prizes and other valuable prizes. At a higher level, award ceremonies for leading figures in the industry are held. It should be noted that this holiday is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in other countries, only on other dates.
