How To Celebrate A Name Day

How To Celebrate A Name Day
How To Celebrate A Name Day

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The name day, undeservedly forgotten in the Soviet years, is returning to our lives. Unfortunately, even elderly people often do not know how to celebrate name days correctly, and they arrange the usual lavish feast. So what should you do to make the day of the angel memorable for you and your guests?

How to celebrate a name day
How to celebrate a name day


  • Old-style festive table setting items - linen tablecloths, napkins, candlesticks, candles, etc.
  • Loaf baked with your own hands.
  • Gifts for guests.


Step 1

Name day or angel day is a special holiday. It is often confused with birthday and celebrated as a secular holiday. This is not entirely correct. After all, name days are a special Orthodox celebration, a spiritual holiday, a day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor you were named - your heavenly patron. And it should be celebrated according to Orthodox canons.

How to determine the day of your own name day. It's simple, if you are named after a saint whose memory day occurs only once in the church calendar, he will be your angel day. If there are several such saints, then you should choose the day that is closer than others to your birthday ahead of the calendar.

Step 2

As already mentioned, name days are not a secular holiday. It is not customary to invite many guests to it. Only the closest and relatives should be called. The birthday man on this day must definitely visit the church, confess and receive communion, light a candle for his saint, thank him for his spiritual help and support. Celebrate the holiday itself in a warm home atmosphere. When thinking about menus and entertainment, try to draw on a long tradition. For example, the table can be served with linen tablecloths and napkins, antiqued candles. And the most traditional treat on the name day has always been a loaf. It would be nice to bake it yourself. The loaf should be large. The dough for him is kneaded with fresh butter. The filling for the birthday loaf can be meat, berries, mushrooms, and best of all - fish. By the way, in the old days it was customary not to cut a loaf, but to break it over the head of the birthday man. It was believed that the more crumbs and fillings fell on his head, the more successful the next year would be.

Step 3

As for gifts for the day of the angel, then symbolic gifts should be given - amulets, icons designed to protect their owner. But the birthday man himself must present the guests with more valuable gifts. And here it all depends on your imagination, but remember - the godmother and father should receive the most valuable and expensive gifts.
