There are more and more representatives of the relatively new profession “system administrator” every year. Computers are used almost everywhere, which means you need people who can maintain them. However, as is the case with other professions related to computers, it is believed that "sysadmins" are not quite ordinary people, therefore, they need to be congratulated in a special way.

Features of system administrators
There are many common stereotypes regarding system administrators, programmers and other representatives of the "computer" professions. For the most part, these stereotypes boil down to the fact that "computer scientists" are completely uninterested in real life, people who are passionate about electronics, programs, the Internet and computer games.
To some extent, this opinion is correct, since in order to remain in demand as a professional, any computer specialist is forced to constantly improve his level of knowledge and skills, since high technologies are developing at a rapid pace. Therefore, it is not surprising that such specialists may not have enough time for ordinary life. In addition, working with computers forms a rather specific view of reality, organizing thinking in a strictly logical way. However, system administrators are people too and like to receive gifts no less than others, although some of their preferences are difficult to understand.
If you are going to donate an item of clothing, try not to have a sweater. Of course, the image of a sysadmin wearing a sweater and a beard is very popular, but you should not think in a formulaic way.
Choosing a gift
If your colleague, friend or relative works as a system administrator, and you are faced with the need to choose a gift and prepare a congratulation, first of all, it makes sense to do the same thing as in the case of a representative of any other profession, that is, learn about a hobby, hobbies, interests and wishes. In some cases, it is even easier with computer scientists, since they often publish so-called "wish-lists" on social networks, that is, lists of what they need to give. Believe me, a system administrator is not always interested only in computers, and he will like a gift that has nothing to do with his main job much more than a banal flash card, a new mouse or a mug with the inscription "The best sysadmin".
Keep in mind that computer scientists learn about all technical innovations much earlier than ordinary people, so it will be very difficult to show originality by giving him something technical.
A certificate for a parachute jump, a paintball game, or just a dinner in a restaurant can be a good gift. The fair observation that sysadmins do not pay much attention to their appearance can also lead to one or another option. For example, a good shirt or tie should be in the wardrobe of any man, so such a gift would be quite worthy. Finally, do not forget about the last stereotype - the love of sysadmins for beer. In this case, you can also find an original solution, for example, a gift keg with beer or an unusual beer mug. In addition, the use of whiskey is gradually becoming fashionable, which in itself is a great gift.