In order to get to Vietnam, you need to buy a plane ticket and make sure that your foreign passport expires no earlier than three months from the moment you leave the country. Russians arriving in Vietnam for less than 15 days may not receive a visa.

Step 1
Travel to Vietnam's largest city, Ho Chi Minh City. It is located in the south of the country. Non-stop flights there are carried out by Transaero, the ticket price is very attractive, the flight time is 9 hours and 30 minutes. Japan Airlines Company, Aerosvit Airlines, Cathay Pacific Airways, Korean Air, Vietnam Airlines, Air France offer flights with one flight connection, travel time from 13 hours or more.
Step 2
Book a flight from Moscow to the capital of Vietnam, Hanoi. Non-stop flights there are carried out only by Aeroflot planes, the flight time is 9 hours 5 minutes, and the ticket price is one of the lowest. Flights with one stop are offered by Hong Kong Airlines Ltd, Korean Air, LOT - Polish Airlines, Japan Airlines Company, Cathay Pacific Airways, travel time, including waiting at the intermediate landing airport, is from 12 hours. There is also an opportunity to fly to Hanoi with two intermediate landings, for example, by China Southern Airlines, Scandinavian Airlines, AllItalia, but this is extremely inconvenient, such a trip will take more than a day, and more than half of the time will be spent waiting for the flight connection.
Step 3
Plan a route to Vietnam via Hainan Island. This is the territory of China, but citizens of the Russian Federation flying to Hainan and not visiting mainland China are not required to obtain a visa. Better to fly to the administrative center of Haikou (and not to Sanya - the resort center). You can only get there with one stopover, for example, with China Southern Airlines, Hainan Airlines, or Hong Kong Airlines. In the port of Haikou, buy a ticket for a motor ship to the port of Ha Long, located in the bay of the same name. To Hanoi from this town can be reached in 3.5 hours by bus or taxi.