When Is International Offline Day

When Is International Offline Day
When Is International Offline Day

The Internet has become so firmly established in the life of mankind that for more than 15 years it has been celebrating its holidays - International Day of the Internet and International Day without Internet. That is, he became so significant that people gave him two whole days a year that are associated with him.

International Offline Day
International Offline Day

With Internet Day, everything is clear - it is a kind of birthday of the world wide web. In Russia, it has been celebrated since 1998, a group of initiators set the date for September 30, and even received approval from representatives of the Christian and Catholic churches for its holding. But International Day without the Internet is a rather strange holiday, and not all active netizens recognize its significance. Meanwhile, its history began more than 10 years ago, and there were even certain rules and traditions for its implementation.

When was International Offline Day

International Day without the Internet is a kind of way to distract active users from the computer monitor, to bring them into real life, at least for one day. The initiators of its founding, the institution were employees of the British Institute for Social Inventions and users of the English online project DoBe.

This initiative was launched by a group of activists and fans of an active lifestyle back in 2000. But until now there is no specific date for this holiday, and in most countries it is celebrated on the last Sunday of January. It is noteworthy that the group of activists consisted of those who spent most of their time online. Maybe this is what became the incentive to create and organize a massive refusal to use the Internet for the whole day. After all, already at that time it was no secret that continuous presence in the network not only harms health, but also causes addiction, sometimes surpassing the narcotic in its complexity.

International Offline Day

The main rule that is observed on this day is, of course, the refusal to use any electronic equipment that allows you to access the network. Currently, the holiday has already gained immense popularity all over the world. In many countries, it is celebrated in a family circle with relatives and friends, in some, processions and festivities are held on the main streets of cities, and somewhere small groups of adherents gather in cafes or restaurants.

But the development and popularization of the Internet leaves its mark on this holiday. Many users simply cannot afford the luxury of not using the World Wide Web for the whole day. Most people run their business there, undergo training or just make purchases, and even one day of absenteeism can result in negative consequences for them and lead to financial losses. This part of the netizens on this day simply exchanges virtual gifts and postcards, arranges friendly online meetings.
