In today's world, sending an email is quick and easy. Within a few seconds, it can be delivered anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection. But so far the most valuable documents and letters are sent by regular mail.

Every second Sunday in July is celebrated as the Day of Russian Post. Its history goes back over a thousand years, since the times of Kievan Rus. Russian post office is one of the oldest in Europe. But at the same time, Russian Post Day is one of the youngest professional holidays in Russia. It began to be celebrated only since 1994, when it was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Yeltsin B. N. This was done in gratitude for the role that the post played in the development of the Russian state.
The unusual envelopes that appeared at the beginning of July, special cancellation of the first day, flights of parachute mail, holiday messages, and other events were the harbingers of the upcoming Day of Russian Post. The main preparations for the celebration began before July 8. On the eve of this day, philatelic exhibitions, draws of subscriptions, postal Spartakiads and the issuance of all kinds of festive stamps were held.
This year the holiday was celebrated brightly and on a grand scale. A series of events organized by the postmen of Russia was timed to the holiday. Flash mobs were held across the country designed to draw the attention of ordinary citizens to the post office and its services. At the regional level, a postage stamp drawing competition was held.
During the official celebrations, festive concerts and various awards were given to distinguished Russian post workers. Many local and regional events have been organized. For example, in Krasnodar, over a hundred people released envelopes in balloons into the sky as part of the "Write the Index Correctly" campaign. The idea of the event was to remind about how important it is to correctly register addresses on postal items.
The Krasnoyarsk post office employees also held their own flash mob. They lined up and began reading the Postal News newspaper. The purpose of the action was to remind the townspeople of the completion of the subscription campaign. The event did not go unnoticed and was a success among the residents of the city.