World Environment Day is a very significant date in the ecological calendar. This date is celebrated annually in more than a hundred countries around the world on June 5th. In different countries and cities, on this occasion, it is customary to hold events calling to pay attention to the environment.

Step 1
The holiday was established at the initiative of the UN General Assembly; in most European countries, it has been celebrated since 1972. In Russia, by the decree of the President of Russia on July 21, 2007, the Day of the Ecologist was established, which is also celebrated on June 5.
Step 2
In 2012, World Environment Day was celebrated for the fortieth anniversary time. The main task of the celebration is to attract people to environmental issues and to encourage them to desire to protect the environment. Today, environmental problems are very important, since the level of world well-being depends on their solution.
Step 3
This year, within the framework of the day of the ecologist, the ETOEKO festival started. It took place over a month from June 5 to July 5. The festival participants presented environmentally friendly products, held master classes, seminars, and showed films campaigning for the protection of nature.
Step 4
This tour traveled to ten Russian cities: Obninsk, Empty Hills Festival, Protvino, Rostov-on-Don, Voronezh, Saratov, Volgograd, Tolyatti, Samara, Sarov. On July 5, the tour ended in St. Petersburg.
Step 5
On June 5, the capital of the Altai Territory hosted a ten-day campaign "Green Phone". The population turned their attention to factors that worsen the ecology of the region: littering of forests, coastal zones, air pollution, illegal logging.
Step 6
On the same day, a rally dedicated to environmental problems was held in the Krasnodar Territory.
Step 7
In Murmansk, open ecological discussions were held, films of an ecological orientation were shown, children's events were held, for example, "Bird's House" - a competition for the most beautiful birdhouse.
Step 8
In Lahti, the theme of World Environment Day is happiness without consumption.
Step 9
In Barcelona, Spain, the CosmoCaixa Museum also hosted a number of events on the topic of the deplorable state of the environment. Entrance to the museum was free, and on June 3, a parade of cyclists took place.