Children often expect something extraordinary from their birthday celebrations. Do not disappoint your daughter's expectations and arrange for her an unforgettable holiday. Approach with all responsibility to the organization of the celebration and take into account every little thing that can please your girl.

Step 1
Take a closer look at your daughter's hobbies. Only based on her preferences, you can organize a holiday that will be remembered for a lifetime. If the girl is fond of pirate stories, there is no need to arrange a Winx-style costume birthday and vice versa. Use the same principle to choose a place to celebrate. Active girls who are fond of sports and games should not have a house party - a park is more suitable here.
Step 2
Think over the scenario of the holiday. At most children's events, the lion's share of the time is devoted to the feast - as a result, the children overeat, and they become uninteresting to play and have fun. Therefore, give preference to a greater variety of contests and entertainment. Think of small rewards to encourage children to take part in the games.
Step 3
Think over the holiday menu. As already stated, children need to have more fun than they eat. Therefore, prepare light cold snacks, spread out fruits and drinks. The cake should be the culmination of the holiday, and in this case you shouldn't save money - order something truly grandiose. The decoration can be a chocolate figurine of your daughter's favorite hero.
Step 4
Decorate the room if you decide to have your birthday at home. Children will be very pleased with the garlands and balloon figures. Print the best photos of your daughter and decorate an entire wall with them. In general, when organizing a holiday, remember that you should impress not the guests, but your daughter. Therefore, do everything to make her feel how special this day is for her. Place her at the head of the center of the table, on the tallest chair. Organize a game during which she will have to unfold all the gifts. Naturally, what you present to her must fulfill at least one of her dreams, and then the holiday can be considered ideal.