An ardent communist, Latin American revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara was born on June 14, 1928. It was thanks to him that Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba. Every year communists around the world celebrate the birthday of this brave man.

Ernesto Che Guevara's birthday is celebrated on July 14, but the celebrations often last for several days. Commemorative events are especially widely held in the homeland of Che Guevara, in Argentina, and in Cuba, which has become his second home. The great commandant dreamed of a revolution in other countries of Latin America, but these dreams were not destined to come true.
In honor of the eightieth birthday of Che Guevara, a four-meter-high bronze monument was erected in his hometown of Rosario. Ordinary people helped to create the monument, they brought bronze things and were able to collect the required amount of metal with the whole world. Since then, the laying of wreaths at the monument has become an obligatory part of the celebration of Che Guevara's birthday.
In the city of Santa Clara, where the great commandant won the decisive battle in the Cuban revolution, a mausoleum was built in October 1997 to bury the ashes of Ernesto Che Guevara and his comrades. There is also a monument in honor of the “last revolutionary of the XX century”. Every year on June 14, a wreath-laying ceremony is held near the mausoleum, many bring flowers.
On Che Guevara's birthday, various events, lectures, and rallies are held. For example, in 2012, a photo exhibition was organized, reading poetry. In the hometown of Che Guevara, a discussion was held, the topic of which was the integration of Latin American states and the Caribbean. Themed excursions and chess tournaments were held (as a child, the great revolutionary was fond of chess, and it was the arrival of the great Cuban chess player Capablanca to Buenos Aires that made him interested in this country).
To celebrate Ernesto Che Guevara's birthday with like-minded people, it is not necessary to go to distant Latin America. The holiday is also celebrated on the territory of the Embassy of Cuba, here supporters and admirers of the fiery revolutionary gather.