For lovers, there is no need for a reason to please their loved ones. But Christmas is a special holiday when all close people strive to be close to each other, to show to feel their love and tenderness. If you want to wish your beloved man a Merry Christmas so that he not only remembers your congratulations for a long time, but also becomes closer to you, you should use your imagination.

Step 1
If you have minimal literary talent, try writing a poem in which you describe your relationship or your love, or how you imagine your man, how dear he is to you. A poem can be serious or humorous, the main thing is to be sincere. You can send it to him in the form of SMS or e-mail, shove it in your pocket, hand it in an envelope or pack it in a box. Christmas makes everyone a little children, and your loved one will be unpacking your gift with interest.
Step 2
Christmas is the traditional time for the most important gifts. You can give your loved one exactly what he really wants. Let it be not a random gift, but a chosen one long before the holiday. Even if you are on a tight budget, you can give your boyfriend or husband a fairly valuable gift. You just need to think about it. You need to set aside a certain amount every month, and then in the pre-holiday shopping bustle you will not need to think about where to get the money. Give your beloved something that he really wants, but cannot buy, or is putting it off.
Step 3
Sometimes a wonderful Christmas greeting and gift can be a few days together. Surprise him. If you are a spouse who have been together for a long time, try to send the children to their grandmother, clear up the time in advance (after finishing important things earlier and agreeing with friends that they will not invite you anywhere for two days), perhaps book a hotel room. You can do this in your city, so as not to waste time on the road.
Think over your outfit, dinner, evening program and arrange a holiday for your loved one!
Step 4
Or maybe you like company and noisy fun? Then you can throw a surprise party. Prepare everything in advance, call him and your most beloved friends, decorate the house, dress up the Christmas tree. Try sending him out for a short while from home, for example, for bread. And when he returns, his friends will be waiting for him, with whom everyone did not have enough time to meet and talk throughout the year.