National Unity Day has been celebrated since 2005. This is the last Russian holiday (non-working day) of the year - November 4 (according to the Gregorian calendar). But if you take an excursion into history, you can see that this date (according to the Julian calendar October 22) was also celebrated before the revolution as the Feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Step 1
Day 4 November is widely celebrated in all cities of Russia. But the center of the celebration has always been and remains Nizhny Novgorod. It was there in 1612. Minin and Pozharsky gathered the people's militia, which liberated Russia from the dominance of the Polish gentry and put an end to the Time of Troubles. Travel to this ancient city to be at the center of the action and lay flowers at the monument to these two greats.
Step 2
The Orthodox Russian Church has always continued to celebrate this special day as the holiday of the Kazan Icon, without allowing interruptions, every year. Visit the solemn liturgy on this day in any Orthodox church. Many of them also organize religious processions in which you can take part. Donate on this day for the construction of new temples and churches throughout Russia, which will be accepted by Orthodox priests with gratitude.
Step 3
Many political parties (both the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and Yabloko, and United Russia, and the Liberal Democratic Party, etc.) hold solemn processions and rallies on this day. Visit them. You will listen to the performances of famous people, you can take part in them yourself, you will see interesting concert numbers replacing speakers.
Step 4
Take part in the "Russian March", which is held annually by nationalist organizations. In 2011, there were even two of them. Both were organized by youth movements. There you, among other things, will be able to participate in various competitions offered by the organizers. For example, a competition for the most beautiful girl in a national costume or for the most popular folk dance.
Step 5
Visit various exhibitions, fairs, festivities organized on this day at various venues in the city. The programs on them are very rich, interesting and diverse. A lot of handicrafts made by the hands of folk craftsmen, flowing national melodies, folk costumes - all this will allow you to feel the atmosphere of the holiday and pride in your multinational country.
Step 6
Help your land on this day with whatever you can. For example, donate blood, or provide all possible assistance to an orphanage, or volunteer to a home for the disabled.
Step 7
Celebrate this holiday at home at the table, go out of town for a picnic, invite guests to your place or visit yourself, visit a restaurant or cafe; go to a club, theater or cinema - the choice is always yours. But don't stay away from this great day. The day on which 400 years ago all nationalities living in the largest power of our time stood under the Russian flag.