Winter is accompanied by a lot of entertainment: skiing, ice skating, sledding, making snowmen, etc. It is very important to know some rules so as not to freeze on the street. The main goal is to have fun and not get sick.

Step 1
Have a good meal before heading to the skating rink. It is desirable that this be a full-fledged hot dish. As you know, in the cold, part of the energy supplied with food is transformed into heat. The highest heating properties are found in foods enriched with protein: dairy, fish and meat dishes. As a drink, give preference to hot tea with lemon.
Step 2
If you drank hot coffee or tea before going to the skating rink, try to talk less. Otherwise, you run the risk of catching a cold.
Step 3
When on the rink, keep your feet warm. Remember: blood circulation slows down in the cold. Be sure to wear wool socks on your feet. Skates should not constrain your feet, keep this in mind when choosing them. If you feel that your feet have begun to freeze, go inside to warm up.
Step 4
Hands also need protection from the cold. Lubricate them with a nourishing cream before going out on the rink. Please note: frozen hands can exacerbate rheumatism and polyarthritis, sore throat and cause dermatitis on the skin. Don't forget mittens to the skating rink. If the outside temperature is below 10 degrees, gloves will not warm your hands.
Step 5
Don't forget to wear a hat on the skating rink, especially if the temperature is below 5 degrees. If you notice reddening of the auricles, go into the room immediately. Frostbite can threaten you with otitis media or sinusitis.
Step 6
Cold also negatively affects the hair. Going to the skating rink without a hat, you risk harming your curls. Wear a hat during the cold season, it will preserve your health and beauty.
Step 7
In extreme cold, first of all, the tip of the nose and cheeks begin to freeze. Apply a moisturizer to your face before heading out onto the rink. Also, on the eve, give up the peeling procedure and the use of various scrubs. In the cold season, beauticians recommend gentle skin care.