How Fun It Is To Celebrate The New

How Fun It Is To Celebrate The New
How Fun It Is To Celebrate The New

New 2017 will soon be knocking on the door, so you need to be on full alert and think about how best to celebrate the main holiday of the year. Particular attention should be paid to contests and entertainment so that your guests do not get bored, but have fun to the fullest.

How fun it is to celebrate the New 2017
How fun it is to celebrate the New 2017

So that the guests do not get tired of active games, it is better to alternate them with calm contests.

Even though this entertainment has come from Soviet times, it does not lose its relevance. And this is not surprising, because absolutely everyone loves to receive unexpected surprises. You can easily find a script for such a lottery on the Internet, or you can show your creativity and come up with everything yourself.

Especially men should like this kind of entertainment. This will require 2 medium sized dump trucks for children. You need to put a glass of champagne in the body of each and pull the car by the rope. You can build a variety of obstacles on the way of the "drivers". The winner is the one who safely carries his "load" and drinks it first. To avoid broken glasses, you can use plastic or paper glasses.

For this competition, you need to inflate balloons in advance according to the number of guests and place leaves with playful predictions in them. Each guest chooses a ball and pierces it with a toothpick, and then reads out what awaits him in the new year. Remember to use only pleasant and positive predictions.


For the competition, you will need to make tokens with tasks according to the number of guests in advance. The exact time must also be indicated. For example: 21:30 to crow 3 times, or 21:45 to sing the song "Oh, frost-frost". The funny thing is that others will not know each other's tasks, so they will really be surprised when someone starts crowing in the middle of a toast. The main thing is that there is a clock in the room where the feast is planned.


Each guest is given leaflets with fabulous New Year characters and attributes: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, deer, bunny, etc. Then each guest has to portray his character, and the rest guess. The best actor wins a prize.
