New Year is everyone's favorite holiday. Everyone meets him differently - with his family, in a noisy company of friends, and someone with his girlfriend. And of course, I want to make this holiday special and unforgettable.

Step 1
If you invited a girl to celebrate the New Year at your home, then decorate the house accordingly. Even if you are usually not a supporter of a Christmas tree with balls and other tinsel, try! This will create a festive atmosphere, a feeling of joyful anticipation of the holiday. You can give a gift to your beloved in person or put it under the Christmas tree.
Step 2
The table should also be beautifully decorated. Just don't put a big one, because you don't collect all your relatives for the holiday, you will be together. Take care of beautiful plates, wine glasses. Place a tablecloth on the table. Put candles on the table - this will add a romantic mood.
Step 3
But you don't need to cook a lot. One or two salads, fruits, sweets. You can try baking chicken in the oven as a main course, but if you are not sure of your abilities, then ready-made grilled chicken is fine. You can make fun, colorful canapes to decorate the table. And, of course, you can't do without champagne!
Step 4
The TV can of course be turned on. Just don't go deep into watching it. Let it be the background. But it's much better to turn on the music and dance. Let it be romantic songs for slow dances or incendiary disco, you are guaranteed a good mood!
Step 5
Don't sit too long at the TV table. It's time to go outside! And what you will do there - choose for yourself. You can traditionally launch fireworks or play snowballs, make a snowman. If you are not afraid of frost - for a change, go to the city Christmas tree this night. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of universal fun not on TV, not outside the window, but nearby.
Step 6
If possible, leave the city altogether for a few days - to the mountains, to visit, anywhere. After all, alas, often people spend all New Year's holidays at home with salads in front of the TV, instead of getting out somewhere.
Step 7
Best of all - do not sit up on New Year's Eve, but in the morning get up cheerful and cheerful and go for a walk - to the forest, to the park, to the skating rink, or just around the city. And may this New Year really be remembered for you.