The fifteenth anniversary is a significant date in the life of every person, which is worth celebrating brightly, solemnly and unforgettably. Of course, in this case, special attention should be paid to preparing for the holiday. Why? The fact is that the main character of the birthday is no longer a child, but a young man or girl.

Step 1
Celebrating the fifteenth birthday is not an easy task, because you need to organize everything so that the hero of the day likes everything. If funds allow, then you can organize the whole holiday in a water park, bowling club, rollerdrome or entertainment center. In this case, a minimum of effort will be required from you, but the sincere gratitude of the birthday person from such a birthday will be guaranteed to you. In addition, your child and his guests will be given the opportunity to have fun from the bottom of their hearts: shout, jump, dance. What else does a teenager need?
Step 2
If you are celebrating your son's fifteenth birthday, then try to organize a paintball game - modern "shooters" that will appeal to all boys. Do you have a daughter? Invite her to celebrate the holiday in the style of the so-called "glamorous get-togethers", as the heroines from popular films do. Arrange a photo session for the hero of the occasion and her friends. Believe me, you will give an unforgettable holiday to your grown daughter!
Step 3
If funds are limited, in warm weather, you can celebrate the fifteenth birthday of the child in nature: arrange a picnic in the forest or on the shore of the lake, or just at the dacha. Such a celebration will bring no less positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time too! In this case, it is necessary to take care of the entertainment equipment in advance: badminton rackets, a ball, playing cards. All this will allow you to have a pleasant and fun time.
Step 4
When celebrating your child's fifteenth birthday at home, don't try to wow guests with an abundance of food. To a greater extent, it is necessary to think over the entertainment program: contests, quizzes, jokes. Find them in advance on the Internet or purchase the relevant literature in the bookstore.
Step 5
When it comes to alcohol, never serve a large amount of it to teenagers. The best option is champagne for the first toast, lemonade for the rest.