For many, a trip to the United States of America remains a pipe dream and in vain. It is well known that the United States remains a very popular country for illegal emigration, for this reason there are the most stringent checks for those wishing to obtain an entry permit. But this should not be decisive for you in the question: should you plan a trip to the USA?

Despite the existing rigors, it is possible to get a visa to the United States. You can easily find a list of required documents on the embassy's website. You can resort to the services of intermediaries or rely only on your own strength. In any case, you will need to undergo a personal interview with the consular staff, this is the most important stage in the visa process, which cannot be bypassed. That is why, you should carefully prepare for the interview in order to avoid trouble and minimize the likelihood of a refusal to issue you an American visa.
Today, an interview with consular staff is a mandatory procedure for all applicants who receive a visa to this country for the first time. If you are applying for a re-visa or renewal of an existing one, then there is a high probability that you will not be called for an interview. The interview language (Russian or English) depends on what type of visa you are getting.
During the interview process, consular officials should find out for what real purpose you are planning a trip to the United States. They are well trained as psychologists and in case of the slightest suspicion that you are planning to become an illegal migrant, you will be denied entry into the country. Never give false information about yourself in the questionnaire. If you previously applied for a "green card" and you were refused, do not be silent about it. Consulate staff will definitely reveal this fact, and hiding it will not be interpreted in your favor.
In general, the very fact of trying to obtain a "green card" is regarded by the consulate as your desire to live in the United States, and most likely your visa application will be refused.
If you are determined to get a visa to the United States, behave naturally in the interview. You must prove your affection for Rossi during the conversation. This can be done by convincingly proving that a trip to the United States, for example, is an opportunity to study and then return to work at home. Tell us about your affections (family, real estate, workplace) in Russia. Perhaps you are traveling as a tourist and want to visit unique natural parks, reserves, and make purchases. A well-thought-out conversation plan, a confident calm tone will undoubtedly set the consulate staff in your favor. During the conversation, you will be asked questions, the purpose of which will be to reveal your hidden desire to emigrate from Russia. Do not joke in any way during the conversation and firmly insist on your desire to make a short trip to the country, after which you will return to your homeland.