Many people like to make fun of their friends or colleagues. It is necessary to treat this with understanding. But pranks can be different and sometimes not very pleasant if your pranksters have a strange sense of humor or none at all. How, in this case, not to get caught in a dubious rally? This question is very relevant on the eve of the celebration of April 1, when almost every person considers it his duty to add his own "five kopecks" to the common piggy bank of jokes.

Step 1
Since the most likely day when they will try to "cheat" you is April 1, try not to forget about the significant date in the morning. This is important, since pranksters can live in the same apartment with you. Make sure that you have not rearranged the hands of the alarm clock or slipped any unpleasant surprises under the door, bed, pillow or sheets.
Step 2
If on the way to the bathroom or toilet you did not step on something cold or slippery, make sure that the "push" or sink is not covered with transparent cellophane, and the shower tap is not turned in your direction. Before you start brushing your teeth, make sure that there is toothpaste in the tube, not mayonnaise, that it squeezes out normally, and no one has glued the hairs on the toothbrush.
Step 3
Before you "flop" on any chair, inspect if it has all the legs and if there is glue, paint or treacherous buttons on the seat.
Step 4
Before putting a piece of food in your mouth, make sure that it has a normal appearance and taste, that there is salt in the salt shaker, and not sugar or citric acid.
Step 5
Open the door carefully: some pranksters from the neighbors may well tie a firecracker or a firecracker to its handle.
Step 6
During the day, do not forget to check your back - someone's comic inscription may inadvertently appear on it. And who knows what its content will be.
Step 7
At work, too, check the door, chairs, desk drawers, cupboards, and what's underneath. If you notice something that should not be there, do not rush to grab it with your hands. It can jump out, explode, stain your hands, or crumble. Look for the catch carefully.
Step 8
If you are summoned to the boss, of course, it is impossible not to go, if you even suspect that not everything is clean. But in order not to look stupid, urgently come up with a serious reason why you ended up in the boss's office. If it turns out that he really called you, he will say about it himself, and if not, you use your own pretext. But then you have to be careful. There can be two options for the development of events.
Step 9
Going to your boss can be the goal of a joke. Or maybe just the beginning. And while you were in the "high" office, pranksters could "joke around" in your own. Use the makings of a sapper and look for a possible mine. Explore your computer. Are the mouse and keyboard working? Are the programs behaving adequately?
Step 10
Of course, it is better if on this day you will not turn on your computer at all. Or you won't leave the house. But maybe becoming the object of some kind of joke is not so scary? Anyway, you can play a trick on your friends too.