New Year is everyone's favorite holiday. Both adults and children are looking forward to seeing him, and they want to meet him with family and classmates. How to spend a class hour, what to plan to make everyone happy?

Step 1
During the class hour dedicated to the New Year, it is necessary not only to have fun - to sing and give away prizes, dance and participate in competitions - but also to obtain additional necessary information.
Step 2
Think over the scenario. Distribute roles and words among classmates. Select facilitators who will be responsible for the informational component of the class hour. They should alternate entertainment with the presentation of new, interesting information about the New Year.
Step 3
Choose those who will be Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. The teacher should take part in the event together with the children. She can be a sorceress.
Step 4
Consider souvenir prizes in advance. They are necessary to reward those who will participate in the contests. Prepare New Year's gifts for each student. This issue is usually resolved with the parent committee. It is good if the gifts are associated with the symbols of the New Year.
Step 5
Informational messages should be short. For example, you can talk about when and how this holiday came to Russia or how it is celebrated in different countries. Inform that in Italy on this day, at the very last minute, old furniture and other things are thrown out of the windows. And in Scotland, barrels of tar are set on fire and rolled through the streets.
Step 6
Competitions should be different. The main thing is that they are funny and that as many guys as possible are involved in them. Think over them so that outdoor games alternate with intellectual ones. For example, you can prepare questions for the New Year's quiz or run a poetry recitation contest. Ask the children to prepare ditties about the New Year, Santa Claus or Snow Maiden. Prepare comic balloon contests (who will be the first to pop the balloon).
Step 7
New Year's school hour is not at all like the ones the guys are used to. And the teacher, who is a sorceress on it, can award prizes to the participants of the competition.
Step 8
All contests must be musical. The main thing is that the guys have fun and learn a lot of new things at such a great hour.