New Year is the most beloved and long-awaited holiday for most people. Usually they prepare for the New Year celebration in advance: they pick a Christmas tree meticulously, decorate it together with the children, make up a festive menu, make masquerade dresses and buy gifts for loved ones, friends and acquaintances. However, the most important issue is always thinking over the holiday program, because everyone wants to celebrate the New Year with a lot of fun.

Step 1
The main symbol of this fabulous holiday was and remains a tree. It is her parents and children who gladly decorate with toys, sweets and garlands. To make it more fun on New Year's Eve, write your promises and wishes on multi-colored paper in advance, roll them into a tube and hang them on the Christmas tree on the eve of the holiday. Thus, each guest will be able to read his prediction, promise or funny wish to the guests on New Year's Eve.
Step 2
People usually try to observe all the rituals, sometimes without even knowing where they came from. It has long been customary to celebrate the New Year in new and beautiful clothes, so take care of this in advance. And you can prepare masks and costume elements for the whole family and for guests, so it will be much more interesting and fun.
Step 3
Don't forget the gifts. New Year's gifts are eagerly awaited not only by children, but also by adults. Therefore, you need to beautifully pack surprises for kids and adults, and everyone can get their packages only after the chimes.
Step 4
Quite often, children try not to fall asleep and wait for the arrival of the real Santa Claus in order to spy on how he begins to put gifts under the tree. Don't disappoint the kids. Of course, hardly anyone will agree to work so late, but everyone can truly dress up a neighbor or guest in a Santa Claus costume and play his arrival. Only if you really get down to this business, then you should carefully think over everything so that the children would never recognize in the bearded grandfather a neighbor on the staircase.
Step 5
The festive table for the New Year is always famous for the mass of delicious dishes. But you can cook not only the usual dishes, but also surprises. For funny pranks, dumplings, cookies or pies are suitable. Everything is prepared quite simply: put unexpected additives in the filling (a lot of salt, pepper or sugar), inform the guests about this in advance. If a dumpling comes with pepper, it means that in the new year the guest will have many surprises; if sugar, then life will be sweet and successful; if salt, then the person who got it will make an important discovery for himself in the coming year.
Step 6
You should not spend the whole holiday at the table, even if it is very exquisite and abundantly served. Think about games and contests that can entertain everyone at the party. Invite your male guests to unfasten the buttons on a woman's dress, wearing thick mittens, play forfeits, pass the apple to each other with the help of chins. Take any simple fairy tale, for example "Turnip" and distribute the roles among the guests. Then have the presenter read the main text while the artists give their lines. Usually, by the end of the performance, all the guests can no longer hold back their tears from laughter.
Step 7
You can also come up with a thematic New Year's Eve, where all the details of the holiday will be kept in the same style. Of course, such a celebration requires organization and special preparation. But on the other hand, New Year's Eve will never be forgotten and it will turn out remarkably fun.