What To Do If Santa Claus Did Not Take The Letter From The Windowsill

What To Do If Santa Claus Did Not Take The Letter From The Windowsill
What To Do If Santa Claus Did Not Take The Letter From The Windowsill

Many children on the eve of the New Year write letters to Santa Claus. Some children send their letters and postcards with wishes by mail, while others prefer to leave messages to the kind wizard at home on the windowsill, under the Christmas tree or even in the freezer. In the first case, the letter reaches the addressee by itself, and in the second, the grandfather independently comes for the message.

What to do if Santa Claus did not take the letter from the windowsill
What to do if Santa Claus did not take the letter from the windowsill

To wish Santa Claus a Happy New Year and ask him for a present, it is best to send a letter by mail. In this case, the kind wizard will definitely receive a message and will definitely give a present, taking into account all wishes. But if for some reason you did not manage to write a letter to Santa Claus on time and send it by mail, then you should not be upset, because the letter can be written a couple of days before the holiday and put it on the windowsill, then the kind wizard will come for him himself.

If a day after writing the letter, grandfather still did not pick up the message, then there is no need to be discouraged, perhaps he came and looked for your note with wishes, but simply did not notice it. What should be done in this case? Transfer the message to another place, ideally under the tree. After all, it is to the Christmas tree that Santa Claus follows immediately, as soon as he gets into the apartment. If your family does not have a tradition of installing a green beauty in an apartment, then try placing a letter in the freezer of the refrigerator. Just be sure to inform your mom or dad (or other older relatives) about your intention so that they do not inadvertently throw out your message.

In general, do not be upset if January 1 is approaching, and Santa Claus has not taken your letter. The fact is that a good wizard has a lot to do on the eve of the New Year, and he does not have time to go around all the apartments. However, you must remember that your grandfather will not leave you without a gift. It's just that he will visit your apartment directly on New Year's Eve and even then he will take the message, read it and, if he sees fit, fulfill your request and give exactly what you asked for in the letter.
