More and more Russians are trying to celebrate not only secular, but also religious holidays. One of the most important is Orthodox Christmas, which falls on January 7th. It is customary to celebrate this day in a close family circle, at a plentiful home table. How can we celebrate Orthodox Christmas correctly?

Step 1
On the eve of Christmas, January 6, one of the strictest Orthodox fasts ends. Moreover, in the last pre-holiday week, fasting should be especially strict - not only meat and dairy products, but also fish and wine are completely excluded from the menu. It is not recommended to watch TV programs, attend all kinds of entertainment events.
Step 2
If you decide to celebrate Christmas according to the rules, spend the pre-holiday week with the appropriate attitude. Raising thoughts, attending church services, and doing spiritual home readings with your children will help you tune in.
Step 3
Prepare a festive table on Christmas Eve. According to tradition, it should be quite abundant. Meat dishes are recommended - for example, boiled pork, jelly, jellied fish, pancakes, lamb side with porridge, suckling pig, goose or duck stuffed with apples, pies with visigas, fish and cabbage, glazed sweet gingerbread.
Step 4
Do not forget to cook sochivo - a dish made from boiled wheat grains or rice, flavored with honey. This is the first dish that is allowed to be eaten after fasting and the ascent of the first star. Please note that strict fasting belongs to the monastery charter; indulgences are quite possible for the laity. For example, children, pregnant women, the sick, and the elderly are not required to fast.
Step 5
Decorate your holiday table. According to tradition, it should have at least 12 dishes. In serving, adhere to the white and blue scale - these are the colors of Orthodox Christmas. A snow-white starched tablecloth is required, under which you can put a little hay. As an additional decor, burning candles and stars are suitable - best of all, silver or crystal.
Step 6
For Christmas, get some new clothes for the whole family and especially for the kids. Even in the home circle, household members should look beautiful and festive.
Step 7
Christmas dinner should be quiet and dignified, loud music and noisy conversations are not encouraged. However, it is quite possible to choose a musical program from church chants. Explain to the children the importance of what is happening - usually they are imbued with the solemnity of the moment and behave accordingly.