Christmastide is considered to be the time that passes between Christmas and Epiphany. It was believed that the most accurate predictions would be for the old New Year. At all times, many people were interested in knowing their future. It was believed that at this time from the otherworldly forces you can learn about everything intimate. Therefore, girls and boys gathered in the evenings and wondered about their fate, whether their cherished dream would come true. For all this, not only inanimate objects were used, but also pets. In general, there are countless Christmas divinations. Each nation has its own rituals, but the essence of how exactly this is done does not change. Fortune telling should mainly be in the evening or at night. Since any fortune-telling is a sin, after it you must go to church and repent.

It is necessary
- - glasses;
- - water (2, 5 tbsp);
- - leaflets (12 pcs);
- - a pen;
- - spruce branches (12 pcs);
- - mirror;
- - pillow;
- - seeds.
Step 1
Towards midnight, fill the glass exactly halfway with water.
Step 2
Then look at the reflection in the water and make a wish. Go to bed.
Step 3
In the morning, look at the water level in the glass. If there is more water, then your wish will come true. If some of the water has evaporated, then the desire will not come true.
Step 4
Take 2 glasses of water. Fill one of them.
Step 5
Pour water from one glass to another several times, while making a wish.
Step 6
Look at an empty glass and count how many droplets are left in it. If there are less than four drops, then the wish will come true, and if more, then no.
Step 7
On the evening before Epiphany, take small pieces of paper. Write your twelve wishes on them. Place the leaves under your pillow before bed.
Step 8
When you wake up in the morning, take out any three pieces of paper. Those desires that are written on them must come true.
Step 9
Bring a mirror from the street before bed. Place it under your bed. Arrange spruce twigs around it. Write your wish on the mirror.
Step 10
Take out a mirror in the morning and look at it. If your inscription has disappeared, then the wish will come true.
Step 11
Take a handful of sunflower seeds. Place them on the table.
Step 12
Make a wish. Count the number of seeds. If the number is even, then the wish will come true, and if it is odd, then it will not.