How To Relax On June 12

How To Relax On June 12
How To Relax On June 12

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Not every Russian will immediately answer clearly what holiday the country celebrates on June 12. Either it is Independence Day, or the Day of the first President of Russia, or a national holiday of the state. Let's define right away that June 12 is a national holiday, which since February 1, 2002 has been officially called the Day of Russia.

How to relax on June 12
How to relax on June 12


Step 1

The confusion with the name of the holiday arose because the people did not understand the essence of the new day off, introduced in 1994 by Boris Yeltsin. Then the President of Russia signed a decree on the introduction of a national holiday, the Day of the adoption of the declaration on the state sovereignty of Russia. The people began to call the new day off the Independence Day, but in official documents this day was never called that. In 1998, Boris Yeltsin proposed to celebrate this day as the Day of Russia, but officially the holiday began to be called that only in 2002.

Step 2

The introduction of the holiday encourages Russians to feel national unity, pride in their homeland, the responsibility that every citizen bears to his homeland. Think on this day about the many generations of your ancestors who lived in Russia and the Soviet Union, about the national beauty and riches, about the successes of our country in different years.

Step 3

Visit on this day one of the many events organized in various cities of Russia. Usually the authorities organize a big concert in the city center. Perhaps, festive events will be held in every district of your city.

Step 4

If you have children, explain to them the essence of the holiday, try to instill in them pride in your country. Use this day off to visit historical sites and museums.

Step 5

If you want to celebrate a holiday with relatives and friends, do not forget about the main national idea of the holiday. Decorate the feast accordingly: prepare Russian national dishes, decorate the room with items of state symbols.

Step 6

If you want to make your holiday really themed, arrange a quiz about Russia for your guests: it can be either a traditional version with questions about geography, history of the state, personalities and interesting facts, or a joke game. In the process of preparing assignments, you yourself will learn a lot of interesting and unusual things about your country.

Step 7

In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Irkutsk on the evening of June 12, festive fireworks are organized. End the party with a fireworks hike, usually at 10:00 pm.
