Halloween is just around the corner and it's time to start thinking about your costume. Quite quickly and not very expensive, you can make a witch costume.

1. Clothes. Any dark turtleneck will serve as a witch's jacket. But the skirt is easy to make yourself. Wrap a piece of fabric around the waist. Wrap the upper part of the skirt two centimeters, sew with threads and a needle, insert an elastic band. Now sew the skirt to the side, making it looser. Cut or tear the bottom of the skirt in any form. If the skirt is not too long, then do not forget about tights with carefully made holes and arrows.
2. Shoes. Any old dark shoes, slippers, ballet flats will be appropriate. The main thing is to be comfortable in them.
3. Hat. The hat can be made out of cardboard. To do this, cut out a large circle and a small triangle. Make a cone out of the triangle, fold the bottom a little and glue to the center of the circle. Use watercolors, a marker, or black spray can to paint the hat. You can also decorate it with foil stars.
4. Hairstyle. Take a medium hold foam and apply to hair. If your hair is long, make a bouffant. If your hair is short, then lower your head down, dry with a hair dryer in this position, lift your head and shake your hair a little. With this method, the hair should be directed in different directions and look tousled. Fix the hairstyle with very strong hairspray.
5. Manicure. Paint your fingernails with black nail polish. Using a toothpick, you can apply drops of red polish around the edges of your nails.
6. Makeup. Apply a very light foundation or powder to your face. Paint your eyelashes with dark mascara in several layers, do not separate the glued eyelashes. Choose shades of dark, saturated colors: dark purple, dark green, or dark blue. Paint your lips with bright scarlet or bright brown lipstick. On the cheek, you can draw a spider web with a cute spider
7. Attributes. And of course, don't forget about the broom. For this case, a broom will do, but it is better to attach it with tape to a long stick or, in extreme cases, to a mop. And make some of your own signature cocktail, which you pour into bottles and treat all those present with a "witch's potion".