How To Prepare A Bride For The Wedding

How To Prepare A Bride For The Wedding
How To Prepare A Bride For The Wedding

A wedding for the bride is not just another celebration, so it is so easy to forget about something important in the hustle and bustle. Here is a beauty memo for the bride to be on time.

How to prepare a bride for the wedding
How to prepare a bride for the wedding

1. Make a test of makeup and hair

Meet with a visigist and hairdresser at least a month before the wedding in order to fully work out your image, decide on colors and accents. Ask make-up to use only waterproof cosmetics, including foundation (if your skin does not suffer from dryness).

2. Choose the appropriate shade of bronzer

Strange as it may sound, but a shade of skin color should be chosen under the dress. For example, a chocolate tan combined with a dazzling white dress can ruin a good impression. The delicate color of crème brulee will look very sophisticated when paired with a snow-white outfit. A specialist in the salon will help you choose the right shade.

Start visiting 1, 5 months before the celebration, so that if something happens, the bronzer has time to wash off. And forget about the solarium!

3. Bachelorette party

Resist a bachelorette party at the spa. Any good beauty salon provides this service. If there are a lot of guests, feel free to ask for a discount, most likely, you will not be denied. And remember that the bachelorette party should take place 4-5 days before your celebration in order to avoid complications such as a headache in the registry office.

4. Do teeth whitening

You need to do a smile at least a month before visiting the registry office. If the dentist notices any problems (for example, caries), you will have time to heal your teeth, and to do whitening. In addition, do not forget that you will need a break from coloring food for two days, otherwise the consequences can be catastrophic.

5. Assemble your cosmetic bag

Keep the following cosmetics on hand on your wedding day:

  • Matting napkins;
  • Compact powder;
  • Mini bottle with selected perfume;
  • Lip gloss.
