How Not To Dial On Holidays

How Not To Dial On Holidays
How Not To Dial On Holidays

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A holiday is a fun and enjoyable event that means meeting with relatives or friends. It is overshadowed only by the fact that an indispensable attribute of such a day is a plentiful table full of temptations, which on ordinary days it is quite easy to refuse. In order not to gain weight on the holidays, follow a few simple rules, and lush feasts will not be able to harm your figure.

How not to dial on holidays
How not to dial on holidays


Step 1

Don't skip breakfast or lunch in anticipation of a festive dinner. Follow your normal diet and do not go hungry. In order not to be tempted, on the contrary, eat something healthy before you go to the holiday.

Step 2

Choose an outfit that is not tight, but is tailored to your figure and fairly tight. In such a dress, the result of overeating will immediately become noticeable in the form of a rounded and protruding belly. At least for aesthetic reasons, you can easily limit yourself to the amount you eat.

Step 3

Refuse to be sure to try all those dishes that are on the table. Eating a traditional high-calorie salad "Olivier" or herring "Under a fur coat" may well pass without your participation. Gradually put some delicious and rare dishes along with vegetables, eat them slowly, trying to feel and enjoy the taste, and not fill your stomach.

Step 4

Do not abuse alcohol, even from a small amount of which you are quite capable of ceasing to control the amount of food eaten and transfer it to the category of "snacks". In this case, you are unlikely to get much pleasure from the quality and taste of the dishes, but you can easily overeat and gain weight on the holidays. In addition, alcohol is a high-calorie product, and even in 100 g of dry wine, its content is close to 100 calories. Especially high-calorie in the literal sense of the word "strong drinks" - mulled wine, grog. Dilute the wine with still mineral water, it will not spoil its taste, and you can drink much less.

Step 5

Do not wait until you already feel a tangible heaviness in the stomach, do not sit all the time at the table, trying one or the other. Leave the table more often, take part in conversations and entertainment, get out for some fresh air. The feeling of satiety arises a little later after the body is already satiated. Let him know by taking a break from eating.
