We sometimes love grandchildren more than children, spend more time with them, pamper them, worry about their health and success, help to deal with the first problems … Often it is grandparents, and not always busy parents, who know all the innermost dreams and desires of the child … And, of course, a gift to a grandson from a grandfather should be unusual, bright, and memorable.

What can you give your little grandson?
It is best to give a kid under three years old beautiful high-quality toys, the choice of which is now quite large - all kinds of cars, rolling horses, sets of multi-colored cubes or pyramids, balls. The main condition is that all this must be made of safe, ecological material. Children's books with large colorful pictures can also be a good option. Baby clothes or care products should not be considered a gift for a child - he is not yet able to appreciate them. It is better to buy such things after consulting your parents.
Three to five
This is the age when the child begins to be intensely interested in everything that surrounds him. Most often, his main desire will be to disassemble the donated toy and see "what is inside it." An excellent gift can be Lego-type constructors that can be assembled with your grandfather, various transformers, puzzles, puzzles. Interesting, and the grandfather himself, will be moving toys - cars, trains, airplanes.
Assistance in the development of the child can be brought by kits that simulate tools for various professions (doctor, chauffeur). If you want to give a soft toy, it is better to choose from those that can move and make sounds - growl, bark, meow. Many children like toys that create the image of their favorite cartoon characters or fairy tales. But the main requirement is still the safety and environmental friendliness of toys.
Children love to draw, and drawing develops creativity. The child can be presented with a set of watercolors or colored pencils, coloring books. In addition, a large box of plasticine will be a good gift. Colorfully designed educational books, a set of cubes with letters, children's abacus will be a good help in preparing for school.
Remember that toys, even the most wonderful ones, will not replace your warmth and attention to your child. Try to choose a gift in advance. Be sure to take into account the character of the child, his age, interests, hobbies.
What to give a student?
At this age, when choosing, you must take into account, first of all, the interests of the child. Boys are usually active, full of energy, many attend sports sections. In this case, a bicycle, roller skates, a soccer ball, wall bars or a gym membership will probably be a good choice.
A new computer game or a music disc can be a great gift. The grandson will surely be delighted with a donated tablet or a modern phone model, e-books are very convenient for a student. It's also time to think about a personal computer.
If you want to give something from clothes or accessories, be sure to take into account the wishes of your grandson - in middle and high school, children already want to look stylish and modern. It is better not to buy things to your taste, but to go to the store together.
Depending on the interests of the young man, it may be a good idea to have tickets to a movie or a concert, a couple of hours in a bowling alley or a trip to a foreign resort - such gifts will give a lot of impressions and will be remembered for a long time.
The grandson is already quite adult
A gift for a “big child” is a difficult and responsible business. If you are not very sure that you can make the right choice, present your grandson with a gift certificate for a certain amount.