How To Celebrate The Philologist's Day At The Faculty

How To Celebrate The Philologist's Day At The Faculty
How To Celebrate The Philologist's Day At The Faculty

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Philologist's Day belongs to the category of professional holidays. At the Faculty of Philology, this day should be especially held in high esteem. Both students and teachers need to carefully plan the holiday. To celebrate the Philologist's Day at the faculty of the same name, prepare a congratulatory program in advance.

How to celebrate the Philologist's Day at the Faculty
How to celebrate the Philologist's Day at the Faculty


  • - a book with scripts of the holidays;
  • - access to the Internet;
  • - musical equipment;
  • - treats;
  • - fittings for decoration;
  • - small souvenirs.


Step 1

Decorate the faculty with various accessories. Choose something from the professional field, for example, garlands made from letters of different alphabets. Also pay attention to the standard decorations: balloons, colorful paper boas, streamers and confetti.

Step 2

Organize an exhibition of the work of eminent alumni and faculty members of your faculty. Design special stands and racks. Remember also those teachers who are not with you on this holiday, but thanks to whose efforts the faculty thrives.

Step 3

The buffet tables for guests laid within its walls will also help to celebrate the Philologist's Day at the faculty. Choose one floor or wing of the building for this purpose. Have undergraduate students help with food selection.

Step 4

Invite retired faculty members to the party. To do this, purchase special invitations, write on them the date and time of the holiday. It is better to take the invitations to the addressees on your own in about a week or two, and not send them by mail. On the day of the holiday, arrange for the registration of all arriving guests.

Step 5

Arrange an auction with students in your faculty by choosing some good lots, such as popular study papers from faculty members or from the library. Use the proceeds to go to any charity work. Of course, be sure to discuss such a point for holding the holiday with the rector of the educational institution.

Step 6

Prepare the background music. Let it sound throughout the day, while the Day of the Philologist is celebrated at the faculty. Make sure that the music is a great addition to all the events taking place, does not interrupt them and is suitable for the theme and mood.

Step 7

Write a script for your holiday program. Invite friendly faculties to speak in honor of Philologist's Day. Also have students in your specialty prepare suitable numbers. An interesting concert will be an excellent conclusion to the festive events in honor of the Philologist's Day.
