For 116 years now, our country has been celebrating the Day of the Railwayman. On the first Sunday of August, we traditionally congratulate people without whom we cannot imagine business trips and travel. Well, the railway employees themselves probably want to celebrate this day so that it will be remembered for a whole year. It is not necessary to have a large budget for this, and you can prepare a holiday without the help of professional hosts.

Paper, pen, telephone directory, Internet access
Step 1
Choose a place to celebrate in advance. Since the holiday is summer, the best option would be a camp site or a summer cafe outside the city. In this case, you can relax with both a large company and a small team. You can also arrange for a barbecue in the nearest forest, but then you will have to take into account local laws and coordinate the trip with law enforcement agencies.
Step 2
Prepare bright and funny attributes of the holiday: paper caps, balloons, streamer and other holiday attributes. Upon arrival, decorate the site and the participants of the event with this to create the appropriate mood. Take care of the plastic dishes and tablecloths, as well as the bags in which you will empty the trash at the end of the holiday.
Step 3
Calculate the amount of alcohol and food in advance. Agree on the menu with the majority and, if possible, assign procurement responsibilities. You can, of course, purchase everything you need centrally, but this requires great organizational skills.
Step 4
Read about the history of Railroad Worker's Day, write down interesting moments, toasts for yourself. Search for games and contests related to this holiday. To make it more interesting, rename the usual relay races into railway ones: "Who will quickly take a glass of tea to a passenger", "Running in bags from the head of the train", etc. Do not forget about the small prizes, which should go to everyone if possible.
Step 5
Try to take at least minimal musical equipment with you, because it is better to end the holiday with an incendiary disco. Pick up songs and melodies that are somehow related to the railway. Maybe you should arrange a song contest? It all depends on your imagination and the willingness of the participants to have fun. The main thing is that on the first Monday in August, the railway workers go to work.