Day of the traffic police (traffic police) is celebrated every year on the third of July. It was on this day in 1936 that the Council of People's Commissars adopted the Regulations, from which the formation of the State Automobile Inspectorate began.

The traffic police day is loved not only by the employees of this organization, but also by the drivers, since on July 3, with a not too serious violation of traffic rules, there is a fairly large chance to avoid a fine by getting off with a verbal warning. Traffic police officers are in high spirits, which also affects the statistics of offenses - on this day there are significantly fewer of them.
On their professional holiday, traffic police officers receive congratulations from family, friends, and work colleagues. Most are quite the same type, so someone who wants not just to express warm words, but wants to really do something pleasant for a person, will have to clothe his words in some unusual form. For example, you can congratulate in poetic form by writing down the words on a postcard. Modern means of communication allow you to send a poetic message and via sms.
It is best to compose the text of the congratulation yourself, while it is necessary to add certain elements to it that unambiguously indicate the person being congratulated. It can be both first and last name, and nicknames, characteristic features of appearance, etc. The poem itself can be written in a joking manner. It is only important to maintain a sense of tact so that the person laughs at the joke, but does not take offense. If several people are congratulating at once - for example, colleagues at work, then one quatrain can be dedicated to each of them. When you read it, everyone will laugh sincerely - provided that the text is really funny and witty.
If you think you don't have a talent for versification, search the internet for the lines you need. The vastness of the network is rich in poems on this topic, you will surely find something suitable. For example, go to the page "SMS congratulations on the Day of the Traffic Police". On it you can not only pick up a poem, but also immediately send it to the addressee. There is also an opportunity to send funny voice congratulations to a specific phone, for this take a look at the site "SMS congratulations". In the event that you want to pick up more serious text, take a look at the resource Funcalls. It contains a fairly good selection of congratulations that you can immediately send.