In honor of the first traffic control device installed in the American city of Cleveland in 1914, International Traffic Light Day is celebrated on August 5 every year. The first traffic lights were two-color, the third lantern appeared on them only in 1920. Since 1930, traffic lights have begun to appear in Russian cities, making traffic on the streets safer and more convenient.

As a rule, various programs and holidays for children are timed to coincide with the International Day of Traffic Lights. On this day, children are reminded of the need for traffic rules, some kids get to know this useful device for the first time.
This year, traffic light day was celebrated in many cities in different countries. Entertainment programs and quizzes were organized for children. In a playful way, fairytale heroes, characters of puppet theaters, presenters, as well as traffic police officers told children about the rules of the road and the need to comply with them. For kids, performances were carried out in the form of fairy tales, and for adults, quizzes with questions on knowledge of the rules were interesting.
In many schools and kindergartens today you can see pedestrian crossings drawn on the asphalt and markings of reduced roads. Regular competitions held at such polygons allow children to remember the rules of behavior on the road.
Exhibitions were organized in some cities. Schoolchildren and kindergarten children, as well as their parents, took part in skill contests, and a variety of traffic lights decorated the holiday.
Traffic police officers often take part in the holidays dedicated to the International Day of Traffic Lights. Due to their authority, beautiful form, understanding of the situation, they have a strong impact on children and can answer any questions. In an accessible form, road service workers tell kids the story of the appearance of a traffic light, interesting facts and events about this useful invention.
Distribution of road safety information leaflets has become a common action on International Traffic Light Day in major cities. Students and children, under the guidance of traffic police inspectors, distributed leaflets on the streets to both pedestrians and motorists.