History Of The Holiday Police Day

History Of The Holiday Police Day
History Of The Holiday Police Day

Now it is more appropriate to call this holiday Police Day. However, for the majority of Russian citizens, it remains the Day of the Police. Every fall, it is invariably celebrated on November 10th. The roots of the Militia Day holiday go down in history.

History of the holiday Police Day
History of the holiday Police Day

Where did the police come from?

The word "militia" comes from the Greek "army". The professional holiday of courageous men and brave women was officially approved by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1980. Subsequently, in 1988, changes were made to the decree "On holidays and memorable days." In general, for the first time, policemen celebrated their day back in 1962. Then it was called the Day of the Soviet Militia. However, the roots of this holiday go back to the reign of Peter the Great, namely in 1715. The emperor created a public order service in his empire. Then, as now, she bore the name of the police. Police - from the Greek "government", which corresponded to the essence of the activities of the people who served there. The police helped the emperor in running the state, in protecting his interests from people who commit lawful actions.

In 1801, Alexander I made changes to this structure. The Ministry of the Interior appears. Its function is to capture fugitives and deserters, who by the beginning of the 19th century were divorced due to the tyranny of the landowners. In addition to public order, the Ministry was involved in extinguishing fires.

By 1810, the situation had changed again. Now police have been removed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is how the Ministry of Police was created. From that moment on, the employees of the Ministry of Police were engaged exclusively in operational-search work. The rest of the functions remained with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The appearance of the police, which is familiar to the modern citizen of Russian society, appeared in October 1917, immediately after the October Revolution and the creation of a new country. Then the police turned into a workers 'and peasants' militia, then into a Soviet one. Citizens who have reached the age of 21 were admitted to the police. All militiamen were uniformly dressed - they introduced a uniform. This, according to the authorities, increased the authority of the policeman in society.

Today - the police

Over the 20th century, the police-militia has undergone more than one transformation and reorganization. In 1923, the service of district warders was formed, today - district inspectors. This is the only link between the current police and the population. Now there is a public and criminal militia, or rather the police. This latest innovation caught up with the Russian police in 2011, when they became the police.

Traditionally, every year the main present for all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a festive concert.
