Teacher's Day is most often associated with flowers, gifts, short lessons and, of course, a congratulatory concert. But usually the script for such concerts is repeated every year. Children go on stage, dance, sing, in general, show their talents. And the teachers at this time just watch and clap. But on this day, they still need to feel special.

To celebrate Teacher's Day brightly and cheerfully, you need to give up banal holiday concerts, but show a little imagination.
Star Trek
Almost every school has red carpets. They are often spread out for graduates. Why not use them? Lay, for example, such a carpet at the entrance to the assembly hall so that teachers, walking on them, could feel like real stars of this day. Let each teacher appear in the hall with incendiary music, applause, camera flashes and joyful greetings.
Original script
To make the concert not boring, you can write the entire script for one unusual situation. For example, a plane with students falls into the ocean, and all the children find themselves on a small desert island without food or water. They need to choose who will be in charge of the island and therefore boys and girls begin to show each other their talents in order to determine who is the best. Plus, you can come up with an original ending. It will be both fun and interesting.
It is customary for teachers to give flowers and sweets, and, most likely, they are already pretty tired of them. You can choose an unusual gift for each teacher, starting from the subject taught by the teacher, or from the interests of the teacher himself. For example, a chemistry teacher can be presented with a flower vase in the form of a flask, on which various chemical elements will be written, and a literature teacher - one of the books of modern authors, far from the school curriculum.
A concert usually lasts 1, 5 or 2 hours. During this time, you can have time to get hungry. But instead of the usual sandwiches or buns from the canteen, you can present the teachers with homemade goodies. Prepare one dish from each class, be it pizza or pie. Alternatively, you might even ask your students to cook at home. In this case, the variety of treats will delight your favorite teachers. This version of the buffet table will be the most suitable, firstly, it is much tastier than the usual snacks, and secondly, it is immediately obvious that the students treat their senior mentors with love.
Teacher's Day is a wonderful holiday. No school life is complete without him. And it should be remembered for the whole year. The main thing is that teachers feel needed not only on this day, but throughout all the years of their work, because a teacher is not just a person who gives knowledge, he is a person who opens doors for children to a new, completely unfamiliar world.