Teachers in India have always been considered one of the most respected members of society. They are still treated with great respect, because they not only give children new knowledge, but also shape their future outlook on life. To pay tribute to the people of this profession, India celebrates Teacher's Day every year.

Every year on September 5, residents of India congratulate teachers on their professional holiday. On this day, teachers hear words of gratitude from their students and their parents for the knowledge and skills that they share during their work, for hard work and great responsibility, which are an integral part of their profession.
On Teacher's Day, Indian schoolchildren and students put on ceremonial clothes and rush to congratulate their teachers on this important holiday. They give them flowers and homemade gifts, arrange concerts and put on interesting performances. Various contests and competitions on various topics are held among teachers and students. Sports tournaments, festive evenings and other fun activities are organized.
To strengthen the relationship between students and teachers, a self-government day is often held on Teacher's Day. As in Russia, Indian students exchange places with their teachers and teach open lessons. To please the teacher, most students carefully prepare for such a challenging task.
It is noteworthy that Teacher's Day in India coincides with the birthday of one of the best teachers and public figures in the country - Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. For many years he taught at leading universities in India, and from 1962 to 1967 he led the country as president and did a lot for its development.
Over the course of his life, Radhakrishnana carried out reforms that have helped many residents to receive a high-quality and versatile education. And at the same time, he protested against the Eurocentric approach to science, defending the right of his native country to its own history and philosophy. It is not surprising that the people of India still remember him with respect. In honor of him and all the teachers of the country, this holiday was established.