When Is Forest Workers Day

When Is Forest Workers Day
When Is Forest Workers Day

Forest Workers Day is a professional holiday for all specialists whose activities are related to the natural resources of our country. Moreover, the date of this holiday is floating.

When is Forest Workers Day
When is Forest Workers Day

Professional holiday

In the Russian Federation, more than half of the total territory of the country is covered by various forests, and their nature differs significantly in different regions, depending on climate, soil and a number of other factors. In total, the area of forests in our country, according to experts, is about 8 million square kilometers. Therefore, such volumes of forest, of course, require competent handling and careful maintenance. This is the main function of forest workers.

The full name of the professional holiday, which is usually referred to simply as the Day of Forest Workers, Day of Forest Workers and the Timber Processing Industry. This holiday does not have a clearly established date, but thanks to this, it always falls on a day off: it is customary to celebrate it annually on the third Sunday in September. For example, in 2014 it falls on September 21.

history of the holiday

Forest workers' day is not a memorable date on a global scale. It was established on October 1, 1980 in the Soviet Union: on this day, the state adopted Decree No. 3018-X "On Holidays and Memorable Days", which, among others, determined the date of celebration of the Day of Forest Workers.

The starting point for calculating this date was a significant event in the forest industry of the Soviet Union - the adoption of the so-called Forestry Legislation, which took place three years earlier, on September 18, 1977. It was this date that was chosen as a reference point for a memorable day, however, as in the case of many other professional holidays, it was set floating - on the next Sunday to September 18th.

In those days, it was customary to celebrate this holiday on the territory of the entire Soviet Union, but after the collapse of this state, only a few of its former participants retained this tradition. So, today the Day of Forestry and Timber Industry Workers is celebrated in four states - the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan. At the same time, in Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine, in order to form a legitimate legislative base for this memorable date, special normative legal acts were adopted. So, in Kyrgyzstan in 1993, the Government of the country issued Decree No. 364, in which it officially approved the Day of Forest Workers. In Ukraine, the corresponding Decree No. 356/93 was also issued in 1993, while in Russia and Belarus no special laws were adopted in this regard: the holiday continues to be celebrated "from old memory."
