Wedding Anniversary 15 Years - Glass Wedding

Wedding Anniversary 15 Years - Glass Wedding
Wedding Anniversary 15 Years - Glass Wedding

The symbol of the 15th anniversary of family life is glass and crystal. It reminds of the fragility of relationships, even if well tested by time and difficulties, that in marriage, as in war, it is not accepted to relax, otherwise you can destroy everything that has been built with incredible tension for so many years with one careless movement or step to the side.

Wedding Anniversary 15 Years - Glass Wedding
Wedding Anniversary 15 Years - Glass Wedding

Husband and wife are transparent to each other, the motives of actions and deeds are clear. It is easier to find compromise solutions to controversial issues, which do not diminish over the years. But people change, tune in to the general wave, are open to dialogue and are ready to listen.

How to mark?

15 years is a good reason to arrange a celebration, gathering relatives, children, close friends at one festive table, sparkling with an abundance of glassware and crystal glasses. The custom that has come down to us from antiquity invites spouses to exchange glasses, and continue the feast until the first broken glass. Fortunately, of course. It is better to choose a hall for a party that is spacious and well-lit, an excellent alternative to which in summer is a tent in nature or a large gazebo. A snow-white tablecloth, white flowers, light clothes of guests with transparent decorations, balloons - everything should emphasize the beauty, lightness and solemnity of the moment. The waltz of the heroes of the day can be a good apogee of the holiday.

What to wear?

15 years after the wedding, the wife can again remember her youth and put on a white dress in the Greek style, and for the husband, if not a white suit with an ebb, then at least a light bow tie.

What to gift?

The scatter of glass-blowing products and crystal dishes, vases, figurines, chandeliers is so immense that it is time to puzzle over how to decide on one thing in all this abundance. More interesting will be an author's gift brought from some exotic country specializing in glass.

Inventing traditions

Why don't the spouses go to a glassblowing workshop or a crystal museum, or just try ice skating in an ice palace? Or maybe if you have a musical education and hearing, try to play on glasses or bottles of water?

Whatever surprise you prepare for your guests - a musical number, dance or miniature, the fact that you are celebrating the fifteenth wedding anniversary is amazing in itself, worthy of respect and a good example to follow.
