Being on maternity leave is never boring. In addition to preparing for childbirth, taking care of your baby and your husband, you can do your favorite, but constantly postponed due to work things - knitting, sewing, sports, music. Well, if there are financial problems in the family, it is possible to earn extra money.

Behind the wonderful long-awaited news of pregnancy, there is still a couple of months ahead of the baby and the joyful event of his birth. Often women who go on maternity leave the question arises, what to do with the free time they spent at work?
In fact, the time of maternity leave can be spent very fruitfully, the main thing is to determine your desires and calculate your possibilities. After all, they will change with the birth of a baby.
Waiting for a miracle
After all, maternity leave is not provided by accident. It is given so that a woman has the opportunity to prepare for the birth of a baby. Therefore, during this period, you should devote a lot of time to rest and your health. Walking in the fresh air, fruits and vegetables in the diet, restful sleep - all this will help prepare a woman for childbirth.
Moderate physical activity will not only help to transfer childbirth as easily as possible, but will also contribute to the early recovery of a woman after childbirth.
It will be useful to learn more about the upcoming event, about issues of caring for a newborn. Therefore, it is worth signing up for courses for expectant mothers, where specialists will talk about the peculiarities of the course of childbirth, about the psychology and physiology of pregnancy, how to understand that contractions have begun, how it is easier to endure pain with them, in what position. Here you can learn about the methods of anesthetic massage.
But the most enjoyable activity for the expectant mother will be the acquisition of a dowry for her future baby. And do not believe the prejudices that this should not be done in advance. Leave it in your grandmother's past. A shopping trip, the selection of everything necessary for the discharge of the baby and his first days at home, will undoubtedly bring a lot of positive to the young mother.
Classes for young mothers
With the advent of a baby, a woman changes, she devotes all her time to caring for him. In the first year of a child's life, if you do not have helpers, then there will not be so many free minutes. But when the baby begins to grow up and can play with his toys on his own, you will have the opportunity to take time for yourself and find something to do. This will raise self-esteem, will be a good brain training, will cheer you up and will not allow you to relax and lose tone.
Hobbies can be of several types - it can bring income, pleasure, and you can combine business with pleasure. If your choice is solely in favor of pleasure, then here you can go in for sports, read books, write poetry, take pictures.
When you have enough money to live on, there are many ways to find something to do with your interests.
If you need additional income, then even a young mother who is on parental leave has such an opportunity. You can sew, knit, embroider to order or for sale and display your work in virtual stores. Information about such resources today is easy to find on the net. Now there are a lot of interesting types of needlework where you can show your creative imagination. Needlework is not for you, but in the kitchen you are a Goddess? Then you can consider baking custom cakes.
One of the types of income for literate and creative people can be work on writing texts. To do this, you will need to register on copyright exchanges and then you can take orders, or write on your favorite topics and put your works for sale.
There are a lot of options for spending free time on maternity leave!