No matter how old your baby is, birthday is a holiday for him and his parents, whom he made happy with his birth. Therefore, you need to celebrate this bright day as positive and fabulous as possible.

Step 1
The holiday will turn out to be "Hurray!" If the parents think over everything in advance to the smallest detail. A child is a very active creature, especially on such a day. A cheerful child can chase around the house, attract attention and, of course, play a little naughty. After all, the child is waiting for something special on this day. Fairy tales and fairy tales, pleasant miracles - this is what you can take note of. Gone are the days when the children together led a round dance for the birthday man. You can only hear about this in kindergartens now.
Step 2
First of all, like on any other holiday, you should invite guests, but not much. Keeping track of everyone is not so easy, you should not impose such efforts on yourself, especially since children themselves do not like hustle and bustle. Parents must first feed the children, and then start playing with them.
Step 3
Competitions can be as follows: ask to carry a bunch of small toys from one corner of the room to another, while not saying anything; also, who will crawl faster from one end of the room to the other (before that, take care of the cleanliness of the carpet); stock up on riddles and sweet rewards for those who guessed it; blindfold the children and put a piece of various fruits in the mouths of each, let the children guess the name; if children are tired of such games, you can always dance with them, play "trickle".
Step 4
Based on the condition of your wallet, you may also prefer to celebrate your birthday at the kids' entertainment center. Find out in advance about the availability of free sites and rooms, rent for certain hours. There are also places for the adult audience, which is very convenient. Just keep in mind that adult guests are not recommended to drink alcohol on such a day, all attention should be focused on children.
Step 5
You can make it easier for yourself on a baby's holiday by inviting a specialist in carrying out such events, that is, a clown, to your home. With his jokes, costumes and contests, you can take a break from the organizational hustle and bustle. But this entertainment also takes up a lot of money. And so that your money does not go to waste, be attentive to the choice of clowns.