If your relatives or friends have a new addition to the family - a little toddler has appeared, of course, you will congratulate the happy parents. Do not forget to prepare a suitable gift for the occasion. You can choose it from practical and necessary or just funny and pleasant things.

Step 1
In the first months of life, the baby needs a lot, and parents want to be surrounded by the best things, furnishings, toys. To slightly reduce the material costs of mom and dad crumbs, choose a practical present. Present what your baby needs from the first days of life: diapers, romper suit, undershirts.
Step 2
Educational toys-rattles, crib mobiles with musical effects will not be superfluous. You can donate a baby monitor, a bath thermometer, cosmetics for the care of a newborn. Practical gifts include a certificate for a certain amount - these are often offered by large children's stores.
Step 3
Wanting to present an unusual, pleasant and memorable thing, present to young parents a set for creating impressions from the baby's handle and leg. It usually includes a photo frame and clay. Plaster casts will preserve the memory of how small the baby's hands and feet were.
Step 4
A photo album for newborns will also be a good gift for parents. In it, you can leave notes about the first months of the baby's life. Choosing an interestingly designed, bright album for a presentation, you will surely delight young parents.
Step 5
Having the opportunity to present an expensive gift, you can purchase, for example, children's electric swing. They imitate motion sickness in mom's arms. Therefore, they serve as an excellent help for parents. Usually such swings have a comfortable seat and are equipped with interesting toys.
Step 6
By giving a diaper cake, you will make both a practical and an unusual present. Diapers are essential for a newborn baby. And the cake from them looks, of course, original and interesting. Such a gift will be remembered for a long time.
Step 7
Knowing how to sew or knit, you can present the newly-made mom and dad with clothes for the baby made with your own hands. It can be cozy booties, a comfortable hat, or, for example, a quilt originally designed using a patchwork technique. A gift of this kind will be truly exclusive.