Parents have been waiting for the birth of their long-awaited and beloved baby for 9 long months. And then a momentous day comes, the child is born. This solemn event is usually celebrated with pomp.

Meeting the wife and son from the hospital
A few days after the birth of the baby, the woman with the baby is discharged home. This is an especially long-awaited event for dad and grandparents. After all, they have not yet seen the baby, have not held him in their arms, have not examined the features of the baby's face.
Meet your wife with a bouquet of flowers, and your son with balloons, shower them with congratulations and good wishes. In order to notify those around that a man has become a happy father, you can decorate the car with stickers with the inscriptions: "I am going after my son", "I am taking my son", "I have a son." You can please your wife by meeting her with a thank you poster containing the text: "Thank you for your son" or "I love my wife and son." Show your imagination, do not hide your sincere feelings and emotions, because it is very important for a woman to realize that a man loves and appreciates her and their baby.
A photographer and cameraman can be hired to film this significant family event.
Preparing to meet the wife and son from the hospital
Be sure to pack your crib in advance and cover it with nice linens. After all, the baby sleeps more time, and therefore, having taken him from the hospital, it will be necessary to put the baby to bed in the near future.
It is necessary to carry out a general cleaning in the apartment, getting rid of all debris and dust. Happy grandmothers of the baby can help the newly-made dad in this process. On the day of discharge, decorate the rooms with posters of toddlers and children's toys, with lyrics containing poems about your son and various wishes for mom and baby.
Set the festive table by preparing or ordering light tasty dishes from the cafe. Focus on a menu that is suitable for a nursing mother. Serve a cake to end the party as a dessert. It can be in the shape of a car or a soccer ball, with blue booties or nipples on the tops. After all, this cake is made in honor of a real little man.
The main purpose of such a holiday is to show a woman that she and her baby are loved, supported and greatly appreciated. Moreover, many women in labor suffer from postpartum depression.
Surround your wife with care and attention. After all, she accomplished a real feat - she gave an heir to her husband, a beloved boy to the whole family and a lovely grandson to grandparents. When the guests leave, together with your wife, put the baby to bed, helping her to bathe and swaddle the baby, sing a lullaby to your son, or just stay nearby, showing your wife your support and participation. And then together, celebrate the appearance of a new family member, because a woman, no less than a child, wants to receive affection and attention from her beloved.