It is customary to give gifts at the holiday. It is good if they turn out to be necessary and appropriate. However, as practice shows, this is not always the case. In order not to find yourself in an awkward position, you should try to avoid giving some gifts.

1. Sweet cake
Some people are very fond of sweets, some are calm about it, and there is a category of people who cannot stand such delicacies. If a gift is bought for the first category, then it can still bring joy. But it is better not to present such a present to the rest, since it may turn out not only not to be eaten, but even thrown into the trash can.
2. Libra
Scales are needed in order to measure your weight. Such a gift can be interpreted as a hint of the owner's excess weight. Few people like to consider themselves fat, so it is better to refrain from such a presentation.
3. Animals, plants
Animals and plants are not considered lucky gifts. The first ones need care, care and attention, which not all owners can provide. Some people hate animals. Plants are also not recommended to give as they need to be watered, weeded, fertilized, etc. They can only please a botanist.
4. Photo albums and photo frames
These are very commonplace gifts. They will hardly be able to please a person, but it is quite possible to be known as a person without imagination.
5. Discs with games
Such gifts will come in handy if given to a teenager. It is better not to give them to adults. The game will either "suck" a person, or the disc will simply gather dust on some shelf as an unnecessary item.
6. Postcards and other little things
There is no need to give the postcard as a separate gift. This also applies to other small presents. They will not bring a festive mood at all. The person may get a bad opinion or think that he is extremely poor.
7. Vases and other souvenirs
Vases, figurines and similar souvenirs are not always able to bring joy. They look beautiful on the counter, and in the house they clutter up the interior and are an unnecessary source of dust. After standing a little in a conspicuous place, they can go to the trash.
8. Clothes
You can only give clothes to a very close person, in other cases it is better to avoid it. Otherwise, there is a risk of purchasing the product of the wrong size. In addition, you may not like the model of the clothes, even if the size is okay.
9. Books, prints
Before buying a book for someone as a gift, you need to seriously think about whether it is worth doing. In the case of an unfamiliar person, you can simply not guess his preferences, and a good friend may not need it. This applies only to paper editions, but e-books, on the contrary, are welcome.
10. Perfumes, cosmetics
It should be noted that cosmetics are more likely to be personal items (like underwear), so hardly anyone will like such a present. In addition, it is quite difficult to guess whether a person will like the chosen eau de toilette smell, especially if it was bought at a sale.