Original Ideas For A Wedding Cake

Original Ideas For A Wedding Cake
Original Ideas For A Wedding Cake

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Wedding cakes have long ceased to be just a dessert and turned into exquisite confectionery masterpieces, in the manufacture of which the most incredible design solutions are used. A modern wedding cake can be a decoration of a celebration if you apply some original and exclusive ideas to it.

Original ideas for a wedding cake
Original ideas for a wedding cake

Fashion trends

Recently, the most trending ideas for wedding cakes include decorating them with butter cream in the form of lace and floral decorations. Also, confectioners widely use the fashionable ombre effect - the transition from saturated shades of the cake to lighter ones. This transition looks best on multi-tiered tall cakes. It is very fashionable today to decorate wedding cakes with large fresh flowers - roses, peonies, poppies, dahlias. At the same time, you should not additionally decorate the cake with other decorative elements, since the flowers are self-sufficient in themselves.

If desired, fresh flowers can be replaced with textured flowers that are almost indistinguishable from real ones.

A very trendy idea is the original wedding cake on a "swing" - the dessert is placed in the hall on a suspended structure, which is richly decorated with fresh flowers, ribbons and green shoots. In addition, it is not necessary to order a standard cake for a wedding - such wedding cakes with a centuries-old history, such as the French "Crokembush" or the Polish "Shakotis", are quite popular. The first option is a caramelized slide of round sweet buns with cream, and the second is a herringbone of various types of cookies. Well, and of course, a mandatory attribute of many wedding cakes - figurines of young people - can be made in any non-trivial form.

Original filing

In order for the wedding cake to be remembered for a long time by both newlyweds and guests, it must be presented in an original way. An excellent solution would be a surprise cake, in which a ring with a paper tag is baked, predicting an early wedding to the person who found him, a gilded walnut, symbolizing longevity, a large rare coin - for good luck and wealth, or a baby bootie promising the birth of a child.

So that no one chokes on a surprise, you should warn guests in advance and do not bake small items in the cake.

If the newlyweds have children, you can prepare a smaller copy of the wedding cake specially for them, which they will cut at the same time as their parents. This will become a wonderful memory and a kind of ritual of uniting into a single family. In addition, today, wedding cakes are often made by close friends or parents under the guidance of an experienced pastry chef. At the same time, the entire cooking process is filmed and shown to the newlyweds and guests before cutting the cake.
