You are by far the most generous and hospitable host. You are very fond of friends and relatives, but sometimes your guests overstep all boundaries, shamelessly abusing your hospitality. They have been living in your house longer than the stated time, they empty the refrigerator, make a mess in the bathroom, constantly pry their nose into your affairs and, it seems, are not at all going to leave your hospitable home anytime soon. What to do? How to hint to the delayed relatives that it is time and honor to know? How to send guests away without offending them?

Step 1
Stop being the perfect host. Why would anyone plan to leave when you provide the full range of services of a five star hotel? Even the most educated and tactful guests will gladly take advantage of the polite offer to stay for another week in such comfort. Stop to provide comfort and convenience, to give them pleasure and the necessary benefits. Shut off the water supply in the house, stop replenishing food in the refrigerator, turn off the electricity, throw the vacuum cleaner onto the balcony. You must use this tactic very carefully and covertly so that your guests do not even guess the reason for their departure.
Step 2
Ask guests to help out around the house. Such suggestions work wonders. People tend to be lazy and relaxed when visiting someone, and the last thing they want to do is help out around the house. Cooking, washing, cleaning, washing floors and dishes, walking the dog and grocery shopping can only cause an irresistible desire to quickly pack your suitcase and go home. Use this method not in a commanding tone, but in gentle hints and polite requests. Soon enough, they get tired of doing someone else's work, and they quickly take their leave.
Step 3
A simple and effective way to chase guests away is to tell a story that you are waiting for relatives or acquaintances, someone with whom they do not like to talk too much. Make sure you are not "expecting" someone they would love to see.
Step 4
Give late guests a cold welcome, ignore them and make them feel "out of place." This extremely effective approach will annoy your guests and make them feel unwelcome. After all, they are looked at as an empty space, their needs are not respected, and they are inattentive. How to do it? Turn on loud music when your guest is asleep, watch boring movies, cook unpalatable food, talk on the phone when a guest tries to read, get up very early and start making noise, vacuuming, playing with the dog. Live by the principle: don't let another live! Unwanted guests will immediately feel that they have lost all the privileges of your hospitality and will quickly find the right way to the front door.