There are those birthday people who do not know not only “what to give”, but even “what to wish”. How to congratulate a rich man so as not to seem like an envious person? What can I wish the poor so as not to look tactless and arrogant in his eyes? Such congratulations should be thought out in advance.

For the rich - something that is never enough
Surely you know well the hero of the occasion, to whom you are going to the holiday. First of all, wish him the fulfillment of his cherished dream - after all, you probably know it. Perhaps he does not dare to jump with a parachute, but he has been thinking about it for a long time. Or he fails to publish his book, on which he painstakingly worked for several years. Wish him success in this field - the birthday man will be pleased that his aspirations have not been ignored.
Do not forget about the hobbies of the addressee of your speech. Perhaps he is passionate about collecting rare coins - wish him replenishment of the collection. If he is a fisherman, wish you some impressive catches in the coming year. If she dances - successful performances and a lot of fans. Or maybe he or she is an archaeologist (even if he does it just as a hobby) and at least once a year gets out for excavations - wish significant finds.
New experiences are relevant to all people, regardless of income. So you can safely wish both "new impressions" and "strong emotions" in general, as well as specific events that are interesting to the birthday man. It can be the conquest of new mountain peaks for the hiker, new heights for the extreme, new unusual cities for travelers, new discoveries in the field of art, culinary, floriculture - everything that a birthday boy wants.
Try to emphasize his achievements in work or hobbies: unobtrusively, but as a transition from one wish to another.
“You grow gorgeous flowers and collect them in spectacular bouquets: this is real splendor and challenging art. I wish you to discover all new facets of floristry and your talent."
Be sure to wish the family health and well-being. This is something that cannot be bought for any money, but for the hero of the occasion it is certainly important.
The same is true for the poor
In any case, do not demonstrate that you think the birthday person is poor. Therefore, one should not desire wealth, prosperity, "get out of want" or anything like that. Don't flaunt problems to get them resolved.
It is better to wish you success in your aspirations, the embodiment of all ideas and plans, the same family well-being. Wish to preserve and develop all those talents and skills with which the hero of the occasion shines. Do not forget about the fulfillment of your cherished dream, but if it is related to finances, it is better not to voice it - just wish your innermost dream to come true.
The same is with love: if the birthday person does not have a "second half", one should not focus on this, wishing love without lyrical digressions. Well, if the birthday person is a family man, wish harmony in the family.
You shouldn't say to a rich man, "I don't even know what to wish for - you already have everything." So the birthday person may suspect that you envy him and, perhaps, even dislike him, considering yourself worse than him. A poor man should not point out his poverty and wish for wealth, even with all his heart: the birthday man will think that you pity him, looking down at him.