How To Choose A Sanatorium For Families With Children

How To Choose A Sanatorium For Families With Children
How To Choose A Sanatorium For Families With Children

Summer is the time of vacations, when everyone wants to go away from home on vacation: warm seas, snowy mountains beckon. But if the family has children, then the resort or sanatorium should be chosen more carefully.

You need to take a responsible approach to the choice of a sanatorium for families with children
You need to take a responsible approach to the choice of a sanatorium for families with children

Little kids - little troubles

It is necessary to make a reservation right away that you should not travel far from home with children under three years old. Small children do not tolerate long journeys, especially if it is associated with climate change. Moreover, it is worth refraining from traveling abroad, even close ones, because problems with life and health insurance arise even among adults, so is it worth risking the well-being of young children?

What to look for when choosing a sanatorium?

The best option for families with children is a specialized children's sanatorium, where comfortable and safe conditions for children are provided. In addition, in such sanatoriums-dispensaries, you can correct children's health and strengthen the immune system.

If the choice fell on an ordinary sanatorium, then choose those in which the program "Mother and Child" is presented. These programs are adapted for families with children, they include prevention and rehabilitation programs focused on children.

When choosing a resort, read reviews on the Internet if you are going there for the first time. Particular attention should be paid to negative reviews, because they can help you navigate what difficulties await and what points you need to pay attention to.

Upon arrival at the resort, the first thing you need to do is find out where the first-aid post is, specify its opening hours. This precaution will never be superfluous. It also doesn't hurt to find out where the nearest children's hospital is.

Be sure to inspect the playground - after all, this is where the child will spend a lot of time, so the playground must be safe.

Where are we going?

It remains to choose the direction where to go: to the mountains or to the sea? What are the pros and cons of these different resorts?

It is worth going to the mountains if the child has diseases of the lungs (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema), nervous system (neurosis, hysteria, mood swings) or heart (congenital and acquired heart defects, labile blood pressure). Mountain air has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, stimulating them and increasing the reserve capacity of the heart, blood vessels and lungs.

But the sea air is useful for strengthening muscles and bones during the period of active growth of children. This is because the sea air

is saturated with useful ions and microelements that stimulate metabolism and have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.

And if the child is healthy, then nothing prevents him from traveling to different parts of our country, saturating the child's life with vivid emotions and impressions.
