According to the Chinese horoscope, a certain animal out of twelve possible corresponds to each year. It depends on the nature of the mascot whether the coming year will be calm, or tense, full of serene relaxation or bright events. In order for the owner of the year to favor you all 365 days, you should please him on New Year's Eve, having met the holiday in such a way as to please the animal.

The hostess of 2014 will be a blue wooden horse - a restive and freedom-loving animal with a cheerful character, but not disdaining to work. The interests of this animal should be taken into account if you want to catch good luck in the coming year. On the eve of the holiday, special attention should be paid to cleaning - the horse is clean and does not like dirt. Carefully inspect the plumbing - it is believed that not only water, but also well-being flows from a dripping tap on New Year's Eve. Any rust spots or new fungus must be ruthlessly destroyed.
It will be great if you decorate your apartment with statuettes of graceful horses. You can hang bells over the door, as well as a horseshoe, which should bring you happiness. If you have wooden dishes, fruit bowls or spoons made of this material, put them on the table, the horse will love it.
On the eve of December 31st, it would be nice to visit any mass event - a festivities, a children's matinee, a concert, an exhibition, because the hostess of the year loves crowded gatherings and fun. But, nevertheless, she is a pet, so the New Year itself should be celebrated with family and close friends - those who are dear to you.
Prepare various games and contests, you can throw a masquerade party. It would be nice to go out with guests to the courtyard to light sparklers or blow up firecrackers filled with confetti - the hostess of the year loves to have fun in nature. After the chimes, do not forget to call your relatives and friends or send them emails and congratulate them on the holiday - the horse will love it.
The horse loves unusual outfits. If you have long wondered where to put on an extravagant dress or blouse, then at the New Year's party she will be the place. Non-trivial cut, multiple decorative elements, embroidery, sequins, collars and shoulder straps are welcome. The favorite colors of the animal are blue and green, gray, blue, purple, coffee, sand, chocolate are also acceptable. If you want to conquer the heart of a graceful horse, choose elegant, but noticeable jewelry to complement your outfit. A massive engraved pendant or a wide bracelet would be appropriate. Or put on wooden jewelry - this material will certainly appeal to the mistress of the year. Do not wear red, orange, pink or yellow outfits on New Year's Eve.